Effective and safe braking depends on an optimal coordination of all components of the modern braking system. A worn out or damaged part may disturb the functioning of the entire system and endanger you and other road traffic participants.
Disc brake
Brake pads (1) must be replaced when they have been worn below the minimum thickness of 3 mm.
Before starting your drive, depress the brake pedal until you feel firm resistance. Only in this position can the brake pads (1) move freely on the surrounding surfaces and in the pad calipers (3). Brake pads (2) must also be checked regularly for any scratches, cracks, folds or other types of damage, and if any such damage is discovered, the motor mechanic must replace such brake pad immediately. Checked must be also the brake seat for damage and whether brake fluid is not leaking from it; the cylinders (4) must move freely!
In drum brakes, the wheel cylinder pistons push the lining against the inner circumference of the brake drum.Drum brakes are fitted mainly to rear wheels – practically no manufacturer uses drum brakes on front wheels any more.

Drum brake

- Brake lining (5) must be checked every 20,000 km to see whether it is not worn.
- Lining (5) must be replaced when its thickness has reached the minimum value of 1.5 mm.
- For replacement must be always used only the correct type of lining.
- We recommend to replace at the same time also the jaw return springs (6). If the drum has been removed too, the whole brake must be always checked.
- If the drum has deep scratches or grooves, it must be replaced.
- We recommend to always check whether brake fluid is not leaking from the pistons, and also the condition of the dust protection sleeves.
- The motor mechanic must immediately replace any damaged seal or part with new parts covered by warranty.
- Every 20,000 km the holding plate must be cleaned with a brake cleaning product.
Brake fluid
- The brake fluid must be checked and maintained at a constant level.
- Even a small drop in the brake fluid level indicates a leak in the brake system – the system must be checked immediately and if necessary repaired, because leaking brake fluid may result in a complete failure of the braking system’s function.
- Brake fluid absorbs moisture. As a result of a greater content of water in the brake fluid, its boiling point is reduced and when the braking system is exposed to greater loads, vapors may develop and as a consequence the brakes might fail.
- Under normal conditions brake fluid is replaced every two years.
- Used brake fluid must under no circumstances be reused.